here you will find my truth , my desires , my letdowns and my translations of my human existence.
subconscious musings if you will…
I don’t have a famous name and my clothing line is of recycled thrifted natural fibers I choose to recreate and throw back into the world.
I can’t give you the key to life but I can give you my perspective and promise to always tell you the truth and poetically infiltrate your brainwaves with overflowing acceptance.
Maybe this will find you when you need it most. Maybe this will find you when you just need someone to play Casper the friendly ghost.
However I come to you I hope you know my intentions are as pure as the white driven snow.
My goal is to be a human selenite stick in your pocket. I am a constant amulet of protection and a clearing of any energy that does not serve your highest good. I can charge anyone who is near me or lays on me.
I am a safe space .
These are my transmissions from my soul
These are my frustrations of playing a human role.
But this is me and I am happy to be vulnerable enough to share these thought streams with you before I am gone.
I love unconditionally but that does not mean I do not bruise easily by critics.
So if you hit subscribe and comment
Remember to be kind when reaching out to me.
It is very scary for me out here in the light.